This page provides essential information about the various professional skin treatments we offer. Please read carefully and if you have any questions, reach out to us.

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  • Common Questions:

    What do I need to do to prepare for my treatment?

    • Cold Sores: If you get cold sores, start taking acyclovir or valacyclovir one day before treatment to reduce the risk of a breakout.

    • Retinol/Tretinoin: Discontinue use of retinol (2% or higher) or tretinoin at least 5 days before your treatment.

    • Clean Face: Please arrive with a clean face. Men should be clean-shaven.

    • No Alcohol: Avoid alcohol the evening before your treatment.

    • Previous Procedures: Wait at least two weeks after Botox, fillers, or threads before treatment.

    How many treatments should I do?

    • The number of treatments will vary based on your skin’s needs. Your esthetician will provide a personalized treatment plan, typically recommending around 4 treatments to start.

    How long should I wait between treatments?

    • We recommend a 4-week interval between treatments.

    Can I get this treatment if I have acne?

    • Active, inflamed acne needs to be controlled before receiving these treatments.

    Post-Care Instructions:

    Day of Treatment:

    • Microneedling: No products on your skin for 60 minutes, then apply moisturizer and sunscreen as needed.

    • ProCell: Wait 90 minutes before applying moisturizer and sunscreen as needed.

    • Next Day: Follow instructions by your esthetician.

    Sun Protection:

    • Your skin will be sensitive after treatment. Avoid direct sunlight and use a mineral sunscreen with SPF 30+ containing Zinc oxide or Titanium dioxide.

    Avoid Skin Exfoliants:

    • Refrain from using exfoliants or scrubs for 10-14 days post-treatment to allow proper healing.

    No Heat Exposure:

    • Avoid hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, or intense exercise for 24-48 hours to prevent irritation and redness.

    Hygiene Precautions:

    • Keep your face clean and avoid contact with dirty surfaces. Change your pillowcase tonight.

    Product and Makeup Use:

    • Avoid makeup or skincare products not recommended by your provider for at least 48 hours post-treatment.

    General Information:

    • Side Effects: Mild redness, swelling, and flaking may occur for 2-3 days.

    • Repeat Treatments: For optimal results, repeat treatments every 4 weeks for 3-6 sessions.

    • Healing Variability: Healing times vary; your esthetician will guide you on expectations.


    • Active Infections: Avoid if you have bacterial, viral, or fungal infections in the treatment area.

    • Skin Diseases: Severe conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or active acne are contraindications.

    • Keloid Scars: Individuals prone to keloid or hypertrophic scarring should avoid this treatment.

    • Poor Healing: Conditions impairing healing, like uncontrolled diabetes, may contraindicate treatment.

    • Recent Radiation Therapy: Must wait at least a year post-radiation therapy.

    • Pregnancy or Nursing: Generally advised to avoid elective procedures during these times.

    • Blood Disorders: Conditions like hemophilia or those on anticoagulants may increase bleeding risks.

    • Accutane Use: Recent isotretinoin use (within 6 months) is a contraindication.

    • Allergic Reactions: Avoid if allergic to materials used during the procedure.

    • Immunosuppression: Increased risk of infection in immunocompromised individuals.

    • Cardiovascular Issues: Severe conditions may pose a risk during treatment.

    • Chronic Skin Conditions: Special considerations are needed for conditions like rosacea or active cystic acne.

    • Active Skin Cancer: Avoid treatment if there is any type of skin cancer or precancerous lesions in the treatment area.

  • Pre & Post Care Instructions for Chemical Peel

    Pre-Peel Instructions:

    • Refrain from using exfoliating agents for 48 hours before your appointment.

    • Avoid AHAs, BHAs, retinols, and self-tanning products for a full week leading up to your appointment.

    • Do not engage in waxing, hair removal, or hair bleaching for at least 14 days before your appointment.

    • Stay away from UV and direct sun exposure for 14 days prior to your appointment.

    • No injectables (Botox, filler, etc.) 14 days before treatment.

    • If your pores are congested, book one of our signature Iderm facial treatments one week or so prior to your peel.

    • If you have a history of oral herpes/cold sores, use suppressive medication 2 days before your peel.

    Post-Peel Instructions:

    • Avoid applying makeup for the first 24-48 hours after your appointment.

    • Continue avoiding AHAs, BHAs, and retinols for 14 days following your appointment.

    • Do not wax, engage in hair removal, or bleach your hair for 14 days after your appointment.

    • Steer clear of swimming and steam saunas for 14 days post-treatment.

    • Avoid sunbeds, tanning, and self-tanning for 14 days after your appointment.

    • Maintain skin hydration with a gentle moisturizer.

    • Use a high broad-spectrum SPF cream to shield your skin from sun damage.

    • Do not get extractions or Iderm facials for 2-4 weeks after your peel.

    • Do not use prescription creams (Retin-A, Tazarac, etc.) or abrasive scrubs 5 days prior and 14 days after your peel.

    • Avoid exercising or outdoor activity without protection for 5-7 days post-peel.

    • Use our post-care treatment kit for one week after your PCA peel - it is included in the price of the PCA peel.


    • Active Skin Infections or Conditions: This includes bacterial, viral (such as herpes simplex), or fungal infections. These must be resolved before undergoing a peel.

    • Compromised Skin Barrier: Conditions like eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis can compromise the skin barrier, making it unsuitable for chemical peels.

    • Sunburn or Recent Sun Exposure: Clients who have sunburn or significant sun exposure in the last 48 hours should avoid peels to prevent further skin damage.

    • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Some chemical peel ingredients may not be safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Avoid peels during this period unless specifically approved by a healthcare provider.

    • Accutane (Isotretinoin) Use: Clients who have used Accutane in the past six to eight months are at a higher risk for scarring and delayed healing.

    • Recent Cosmetic Procedures: Clients who have recently undergone cosmetic procedures such as laser treatments, waxing, or other chemical peels should wait until the skin has fully healed.

    • Open Wounds or Cuts: Any open wounds, cuts, or abrasions on the skin should be fully healed before undergoing a chemical peel.

    • Allergic Reactions: Clients with known allergies to any of the peel ingredients should avoid the treatment.

    • History of Keloids or Hypertrophic Scarring: Clients with a history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring may be at higher risk for adverse reactions.

    • Certain Medications: Some medications, like certain antibiotics and photosensitizing drugs, can increase the risk of adverse reactions to chemical peels.

    • Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like lupus or scleroderma can affect the skin’s healing process, making chemical peels potentially risky.

    • Chronic Conditions Affecting Healing: Diabetes and other conditions that impair wound healing can be contraindications for chemical peels.

    • Retinoids: Discontinue use 7 days prior to BioRePeel.

    • Pre-existing Inflammatory Dermatosis: Conditions such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pemphigus, etc.

    • Skin Cancer: Clients must be cancer-free for 3 years with direct written notice from a physician.

    • History of Drugs with Photosensitizing Potential: Such medications can increase the risk of adverse reactions.

    • Recent Surgery: Clients must be fully recovered from recent surgeries.

    • Aspirin Allergy: Clients with an aspirin allergy should avoid chemical peels.

    • Sensitive or Reactive Skin: Clients with sensitive or reactive skin should contact us for a patch test before proceeding with a chemical peel.

  • Pre-Treatment Instructions:

    • Avoid retinoids and exfoliants 5 days before treatment.

    • No sun exposure or tanning 7 days prior to treatment.

    Post-Treatment Instructions:

    • Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.

    • Avoid sun exposure and use SPF.

    • No exfoliating products for 48 hours post-treatment.


    • Active skin infections

    • Severe eczema or psoriasis

    • Open wounds