To achieve the best results from your BioRePeel experience, please follow these guidelines before and after your appointment:


  •  Refrain from using exfoliating agents for 48 hours before your appointment.

  •  Avoid AHAs, BHAs, retinols, and self-tanning products for a full week leading up to your appointment.

  •  Do not engage in waxing, hair removal, or hair bleaching for at least 14 days before your appointment.

  •  Stay away from UV and direct sun exposure for 14 days prior to your appointment.

  • No injectables (botox, filler, etc) 14 days before treatment.



  • If possible, avoid applying makeup for the first 24-48 hours after your appointment.

  •  Continue avoiding AHAs, BHAs, and retinols for 14 days following your appointment.

  •  Do not wax, engage in hair removal, or bleach your hair for 14 days after your appointment.

  •  Steer clear of swimming and steam saunas for 14 days post-treatment.

  •  Avoid sunbeds, tanning, and self-tanning for 14 days after your appointment.

  •  Maintain skin hydration with a gentle moisturizer.

  •  After the treatment, it's essential to use a high broad-spectrum SPF cream to shield your skin from sun damage and ensure the best results.

  • No injectables (botox, filler, etc) 14 days after treatment.


  • Following your BioRePeel treatment, you can anticipate:

  • Reduced pore size

  • Firmer skin

  • A brighter complexion with lighter pigmentation

  • Even-toned and rejuvenated skin

 For optimal results, we recommend a series of 4-6 treatments, spaced 7-14 days apart.



BioRePeel should not be utilized with the following conditions listed below. 

  • Retinoids (discontinue 7 days prior to BioRePeel, otherwise, some flaking and tingling may occur)

  • Active bacterial, viral, fungal or herpetic infection

  • Open wounds

  • Pre-existing inflammatory dermatosis (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pemphigus, etc.)

  • Skin cancer, without being cancer free for a period of 3 years and direct written notice from physician

  • Pregnancy or nursing

  • History of drugs with photo-sensitizing potential

  • Use of Accutane within the last 6 -8 months

  • Underwent any kind of surgery and not fully recovered

  • Aspirin Allergy

If you have "sensitive or reactive" skin, please contact us so we can do a patch test to determine if you are a candidate.

 If you have any questions please contact us. Thank you!