In our Spotlight series, we're thrilled to introduce you to the remarkable individuals who form the heart and soul of Dermaspace. These dedicated team members bring their unique talents and passion for skincare and beauty to our clients every day. Get to know their backgrounds, philosophies, and some interesting insights that make them integral to our mission of enhancing your beauty and wellness experience. Join us as we shine a light on the faces behind the transformation, radiance, and confidence we bring to you.

Name: Trevor Brady

Position: Esthetician

Where are you from originally?

Mount Vernon, just an hour north of Seattle - think Tulip Festival.

What inspired you to become an esthetician?

A friend from high school made me aware of the industry - I’ve always been interested in beauty, but neither hair styling nor makeup resonated with me. I enjoy helping people feel good in their skin!

Share an interesting or unique fact about yourself.

There are five kids in my family, and our last name is Brady - everywhere we went, people called us the Brady Bunch. Also… I’m not a natural blonde!

How long have you been a part of the Dermaspace team?

Just over a year! But I plan on many more.

What do you love most about working at Dermaspace?

I truly enjoy everything, but I love that we’re able to make such drastic changes in our clients’ skin in a matter of months.

Any memorable moments or experiences you’ve had here?

Many! When clients tell me they don’t feel the ‘need’ to wear makeup, that they’re not shy of the camera, or they receive compliments… and facilitating them feeling more confident. It’s so rewarding.

What is your favorite service and why?

To treat, ProCell Microchanneling - because it’s the holy grail for fine lines/wrinkles, pigmentation, and scarring.

To receive, Revitapen LED - my skin has responded best to this combo of infusion + light therapy.

What’s your personal philosophy when it comes to skincare and beauty?

Skincare doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

What are your favorite Dermaspace skincare retail we carry and why?

Calming Repair Cream - I can trick my skin into thinking I’m using SkinCeuticals’ Triple Lipid, at a fraction of the price.

Share a valuable skincare tip that you think everyone should know.

Results do not happen overnight. Your skin health is dependent on your consistency, both in and outside the treatment room.

What do you enjoy most about interacting with clients?

Building relationships with them and being a part of important milestones in their life.

Can you share a memorable client success story?

In a matter of months I was able to help a new mother clear her inflamed, painful acne that hadn’t gone away for several years!

How do you ensure each client has a personalized and enjoyable experience at Dermaspace?

Partly in conversation with the client, but also listening to and observing the skin and its needs - and acting accordingly.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Live music, dancing, movies, cooking.

Do you have a favorite relaxation or self-care ritual?

A candlelit bath with music or a book.

Any favorite skincare ingredients or treatments you can’t live without?

My enzyme powder exfoliant. Or taking a nap under the Celluma LED panel.

Quickfire Round!

Coffee or tea? - Coffee

Beach vacation or mountain getaway? - Beach

Morning person or night owl? - Night Owl

Favorite band or singer right now? - Mariah Carey

A book or movie that has had a significant impact on you. - “Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood”

What advice would you give to someone looking to improve their skincare routine?

You can never have too much hydration.

Any self-confidence tips you’d like to share with our clients?

Bad b*tches have bad days too - but it’s about how you respond to the negative self-talk. Sometimes you truly do have to fake it till you make it!

What is a brief personal message to our current and potential clients to share what they can expect when they book an appointment with you.

I love educating and guiding clients through the world of skincare - because it can be daunting. If you’re a beginner, I’ll show you the basics. If you’re savvy with treatments and products, I’ll work with you on what I/we think is the next best move.

I never upsell or recommend things that aren’t necessary, and building trust with everyone I treat is the most important.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our Employee Spotlight series. If Trevor has caught your eye and you'd like to experience a rejuvenating facial with him, you can book your appointment by visiting www.dermaspace.com! #DermaspaceSpotlight #Skincare #Beauty #Esthetician #EmployeeSpotlight