"The next stop is N, for NEVER too late to start using NIACINAMIDE" by Chanté Robinson


This universal, packed-with-a-punch-ingredient is an active form of vitamin B3, that’ll assist with enhancing barrier protection, clearing up acne breakouts, and hyperpigmentation and is excellent for other skin concerns that may be sensitive, experiencing enlarged pores, and even redness.

Ingredients like this can move seamlessly like a chameleon throughout the various skin stages in our life, which is a significant advantage and something to consider as you build up your skincare collection.

Barrier function is enhanced by protecting the skin from sun damage and premature aging and aids in fighting off other exterior aggressors.

Trans-epidermal water loss happens regularly; however, niacinamide helps maintain hydration and slow down water loss from the skin allowing the skin to retain hydrated suppleness and to calm rosacea.

Hyperpigmentation is regulated with niacinamide due to its ability to inhibit melanosome transfer to keratinocytes. So this is a safe alternative than using hydroquinone.

Niacinamide is a force to be reckoned with for acne because of the decline in sebum production. It is also an anti-inflammatory for breakouts, and you can finally do away with the never-ending list of side effects like dryness, increased sun sensitivity, and even antibiotic resistance with your typical acne treatments.

The other unique qualities about this B3 powerhouse is the stimulation of collagen and protein production and restricting excess glycosaminoglycans production!

Editors note: We often custom blend this amazing ingredient into our Revitapen Iderm Treatment.